Forever homes for our puppy parents.

To succeed as an exceptional breeder of Goldendoodles – and to properly develop the breed- we require a number of dogs in our breeding program.

Successfully furthering and developing lines while being able to provide our breeding dogs with a family environment is our goal, and  a Guardian Home Program is the best way to accomplish this.

This is very unique and selective program allows our breeding dogs to live as loved family members with our locally-selected families – all while still participating in our breeding program.

This is our way of ensuring that our breeding dogs live with their families in forever homes and are still able to participate in the future development of the breed under our watchful eye.

The program is only available to families and individuals who live within a 2 to 3-hour drive from Spokane, Washington.

We request that you assess your lifestyle, reliable transportation and permanency in the area to ensure that you are able to meet the requirements of not only caring for a pet but also meeting the requirements of the KennyBear Doodles Guardian Home Program agreement.

We require our dogs to come back to us for short visits so they can participate in the assessment and testing process –  and eventually the breeding program – but the Guardian Home dogs always return to their family after these short breaks.

when can i become a guardian?
  • Guardian puppies that enter our breeding program will begin producing between 18 and 24 months of age.

  • After your dog has fulfilled the requirements under the Guardian Home Program, we then pay to spay/neuter them for you, and they continue to live with your family in their forever home.

who covers the expenses?
  • Any “breeding related” medical costs for the Guardian Dog are the expense of KennyBear Doodles.

  • Our Guardian Homes are only responsible for routine maintenance and medical care just as they would if they had their own dog.

breeding protocols & Rights

Female Dogs

When a female Guardian dog is in season, the Guardian Family is required to contact us immediately.

An intact female usually has a heat cycle that will last between 14 and 21 days.

During this time, we will need access to her for breeding related appointments and we may have her stay in our home for a period during this time.  

Once she has been bred, she will remain with her Guardian Family until one week before her due date.

At that time, the Guardian dog will come back to stay with us throughout her pregnancy and will be returned once her pups are fully weaned at 8 weeks of age.

Guardian Families are welcomed and encouraged to visit with scheduled appts while their Guardian Dog is at KennyBear Doodles.  

Male Dogs

Male dogs must be available for breeding when we have a matched female in heat.  

We may bring the female to the Guardian family’s home for breeding, or we may bring the male to our house.

Breeding Rights

All breeding rights belong to KennyBear Doodles and no breedable dogs of the opposite sex are allowed in the same home with the co-owned puppy.


  • You must provide a safe and secure environment for a Guardian Home dog to ensure their safety and health.

  • While we prefer families with previous dog ownership experience, we are open to working closely with families and individuals who are new to dog ownership.

  • Our Guardian Home Program dogs are to be kept as house pets and family members.

requirements & Benefits

GUARDIAN home requirements
  • Live within a 2 to 3-hour driving distance from Spokane, WA.

  • Provide a fully-secure fenced yard.

  • Feed approved, quality food only.

  • Provide basic obedience training, proper socialization to people, children, and dogs.

  • Understand the issues and responsibilities of caring for a breeding dog.

  • Willingness to return the dog to KennyBear Doodles during breeding and whelping.

  • Agree to regular health, veterinary care, and vaccinations.

  • Communicate freely with KennyBear Doodles about the health and condition of the dog.
Benefits of Being a Guardian Home:
  • KennyBear Doodles will pay for your dog’s spay/neuter when he or she is retired from breeding.

  • Providing a breeding dog a family for LIFE, never experiencing life in a kennel or being re-homed after they are retired.
Ready to apply to be a KennyBear Doodle guardian?

Excellent! Complete our Guardian application to begin the process!

Thank you for your interest in this important program!

The Guardian Home program is actually a very simple program even though it may seem like there are a lot of details.

The main thing to remember is that there is no better way than a Guardian Home Program to help reputable breeders continue to breed dogs in a humane and loving environment and out of cages so in order to continue to produce HAPPY and HEALTHY puppies for families who are looking for a forever pet.